OpenBveTrainSim\OBTS is a free application for PCs with MS.Windows10\8\7~32\64Bit; the program simulates operating a train with a view from the cab of track ahead, or from lineside while roaming 3D train exteriors & scenery; the goal is to complete a selected route, while obeying Schedules+Signals, without Speeding\Derailing. Various Main+BranchLine, Freight+Passenger, LightRail+SubWay+Tram content is available for this MenuDriven app, which depict RollingStock+RailWays worldwide, all freely developed by a diverse user community. OBTS has an extensive library of the latest FullFeatured 3D Trains+Routes & is backwards compatible with content originally for legacy apps Bve4TrainSim\B4TS & Bve2TrainSim\B2TS. All of the OBTS program Code\Master\Source\CompiledApps\Docs & content Trains\Routes are NonCommercial, without Registered CopyRight\Patent\TradeMark\... & thus totally free to DownLoad\Use\Modify\UpLoad\Share\...

OBTS Features

MenuConfigured KeyBoard+Mouse, Optional Stick\Controller: Saitek.PZ45 \ SanYing.OHCPC01 \ PIE.RailDriver
MenuSelectable ScreenWindow Size+Resolution+Interpolation
MenuSelectable Train+Route Combinations
MenuSelectable Cab\Roaming\RunBy\Helicopter Views
Supports 1C+2C WAV Sounds & 3D Positioning
Supports 2D GIF+BMP+PNG ImageTexturing
Supports 3D Animated+B3D+L3D+Obj+S Objects & Legacy CSV+X Objects
Supports 3D CSV Routes & Legacy RW Routes
Supports 3D Cabs+Consists & Legacy 2D Cabs
Supports Controls+Signals Via Custom DLL PlugIns

OBTS Minimum PC Specs

104 KeyBoard + 3Button Mouse, Optional Stick\Controller: Saitek.PZ45 \ SanYing.OHCPC01 \ PIE.RailDriver
15"Display With 1366x768~32BitResolution + StereoSpeakers
Intel\AMD 2.6GH CentralProcessor + 4GB CentralRAM
Nvidia\ATI GraphicProcessor + 128MB GraphicRAM
SolidStateDriveC With 60GB Available Space
MS.Windows10\8\7~32\64Bit OperatingSystem

More RAM & Faster\Multiple Processors ARE recommended; cheap "Shared" Central+GraphicRAM\Processors & old MechanicalDrives are NOT recommended. The latest OBTS program versions & developing addons run best under MS.Windows10\8\7~32\64bit; alternatively it is possible to configure OBTS to run under MS.WindowsXP\Vista or Linux\Ubuntu\Debian\MacOSX\..., however these alternative OperatingSystems are not fully compatible with several legacy, some say legendary OBTS train control DLLs\PlugIns & thus are NOT recommended; one example is an OBTS LinuxBootable ThumbDrive.

The latest versions of free antivirus apps MS.SecurityEssentials\WindowsDefender & MS.MaliciousSoftwareRemovalTool ARE recommended; these provide good protection when updated & run at least Weekly, & can be fully automated via Windows TaskScheduler using batch routines. 3rdParty antivirus apps (AVG, Kaspersky, McAfee, Norton, Symantec,...) are NOT recommended as they're too expensive to Purchase + Update, too Intrusive & Complex to Install + Maintain, notorious for FalsePositives + FalseQuarantines that crash the OperatingSystem + Apps, & near impossible to remove without a Drive Reformat + OS Reinstall.

OBTS Install Under Windows10\8\7

OpenBveTrainSim\OBTS programs & Route\Train addon installation requires full Admin\Owner rights to configure your PC\OperatingSystem & then Extract\Read\Edit\Copy\Move\Paste the necessary SubFolders\Files. If you have Admin\Owner rights, then proceed with this install; if not, consider acquiring your own PC.

Configure Windows UserAccountControl\UAC as follows:

OBTS programs & addons are typically UpLoaded\Published as ZIP\RAR\TAR.GZ\7Z archive files, which are Extracted\UnZipped after download; so before downloading any Program\Addon, first download & install the free 7Zip Archive Manager, which handles new & legacy archive formats (ZIP, RAR, EXE, CAB, TAR, 7Z, etc); older archivers (WinZIP, WinRAR, etc) are NOT recommended, as they may not Read\Extract newer formats. After 7Zip is installed, continue with the instructions below.

Display\Confirm your Windows LOGIN %UserName%:
In Windows DESKTOP, pick "START", pick "RUN...", type "CMD" & pick "OK"
At CMD prompt, type "ECHO %UserName%", then ENTER
Note your displayed %UserName% then eXit CMD prompt
In Windows EXPLORER, make this new Folder with your LOGIN replacing %UserName%:
With these SubFolders:
C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\OpenBve\LegacyContent\RailWay\RouteDevs\ <- Optional Folder For RouteDeveloping
C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\OpenBve\LegacyContent\TrainDevs\ <- Optional Folder For TrainDeveloping
C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\OpenBve\ProgArcs\ <- Optional Folder For ProgramArchives Of OldVersions
RightPick each SubFolder above & configure for full READ+WRITE+SHARED access.
Goto OBTS Program+AddOns With PreConfigured Folders & Settings, + Train & Route Development Apps, + Train & Route Samples:
UnZIP Then Place+Merge Resulting Files Into This SubFolder ~~> C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\OpenBve\
If Asked To Select, Pick "FOR ALL CONFLICTS \ ITEMS" Then "COPY & REPLACE \ YES"
Goto OBTS ProgramOnly Update; Pick Latest Release ZIP & DownLoad:
UnZIP Then Place+Merge Resulting Files Into This SubFolder ~~> C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\OpenBve\Prog\
If Asked To Select, Pick "FOR ALL CONFLICTS \ ITEMS" Then "COPY & REPLACE \ YES"
Goto OBTS MasterSource+Docs Update; Pick Latest Release ZIP & DownLoad:
UnZIP Then Place+Merge Resulting Files Into This SubFolder ~~> C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\OpenBve\Prog\OpenBve-Master\
If Asked To Select, Pick "FOR ALL CONFLICTS \ ITEMS" Then "COPY & REPLACE \ YES"
DownLoad your choice of additional Train addons from
Make a seperate custom named \SUBFOLDER\ for each Train:
\OpenBve\LegacyContent\Train\SUBFOLDER\Train.Dat, Panel.*, Sound.Cfg, Train.Txt, Etc
Again RightPick each SubFolder & configure for full READ+WRITE+SHARED access.
DownLoad your choice of additional Route addons from
Make a seperate custom named \SUBFOLDER\ for each Route:
Again RightPick each SubFolder & configure for full READ+WRITE+SHARED access.
RightPick executable File \OpenBve\Prog\OPENBVE.EXE
To run main program, DoublePick on link \OpenBve\OpenBveTrainSim
In the OPTIONS menu; select Resolution, Interpolation & other settings per your hardware & preference.
In the ROUTE menu, browse \OpenBve\LegacyContent\RailWay\Route\ & select a SubFolder & CSV\RW File.
In the TRAIN menu, browse \OpenBve\LegacyContent\Train\ & select a SubFolder.
In the displayed TRAIN.TXT, note the Keys required for train Control+Safeties.
Pick START to load & drive the chosen Route+Train.
Loading usually takes 30sec or longer, & varies with the chosen Route+Train & your PC specs.
When loading completes, the usual view is looking across cab controls at track ahead from the routes 1st stop.

If OPENBVE.EXE generates an error such as "Access to path C:\... denied" or "Process terminated...", before running the program again, carefully review the install instructions above; insure all Folders\Files are arranged & configured proper, that UserAccessControl\UAC is set as noted, & that dependencies (SDL, OpenAL, etc) are installed.

OBTS AddOn=Train+Route Developer Tools

ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Files .Animated+B3D+Cfg+CSV+Dat+Txt+XML: !!! DO NOT Use MS~EXCEL\WORD To Edit OBTS Files !!!
ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Images .BMP+GIF+PNG
ToolsLink =Guide For OBTS Train+Route Files
ToolsLink =Guide For OBTS Train Files LegacyForm
ToolsLink =Guide For OBTS Train+Route Objects .B3D+CSV
ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Train+Route Objects LegacyForm
ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Sounds .WAV
ToolsLink =Default DLL\PlugIn For Trains wOut ATS.Cfg
ToolsLink =Custom DLL\PlugIn For Trains With ATS.Cfg, Generic Steam\Diesel\Electric
ToolsLink =Custom DLL\PlugIn For Trains With ATS.Cfg, British Steam\Diesel\Electric
ToolsLink =Custom DLL\PlugIn For Trains With ATS.Cfg, British Diesel\Electric
ToolsLink =Custom DLL\PlugIn For Trains With ATS.Cfg, Italian Signals
ToolsLink =Custom DLL\PlugIn For Trains With ATS.Cfg, Japanese Signals
ToolsLink =Guide For OBTS Route Files
ToolsLink =Guide For OBTS Route Files LegacyForm
ToolsLink =Guide For OBTS Route Files LegacyForm
ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Route Track
ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Route Track
ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Route Forests
ToolsLink =Editor For OBTS Route Terrain With Demo